The Goddess of Woe

 The Goddess of Woe


Observing them from behind the invisible veil,

Cackling over their sin and pain entwined souls,

Twisting their paths back toward the old roles,

Playing with their fate till the last doleful wail.


Following her as she stops by the ancient clock,

Whispering to her words of otherworldly bliss,

Preparing fateful circumstances of the last knock,

Annihilating hope of future with a baneful hiss.


Ripping soulmates asunder is my demonic play,

Giving and taking with insouciant and cruel whim,

Showing the mortals their lives are fragile clay,

Filling their hearts with pain throbbing to the brim.


Delighting in brokenness caused by fickle hearts,

Infusing hope only to shatter it anew with glee,

Trampling dreams of picking up the broken parts,

Wreaking havoc before to other amusements I flee.

Jana Vasilj-Begovic


Writing is a creative outlet for me. My regular job deals with military foreign language training and testing (Department of National Defence of Canada), a field in which I have published scholarly articles, designed workshops and developed specialized training materials. Among my other publications is the novel "Poisonous Whispers", published last December by Roane Publishing, N.Y., as well a short story (Toward the Other shore), published by Chantwood Literary magazine (September 2017 issue). My fascination with the written word began in childhood and led me to the studies of literature, languages, literary theory and education. I am currently working on a sequel to "Poisonous Whispers" and on a collection of fables.

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