A Welsh House

A Welsh House

   From the painting 'Welsh House'

   by J David Lloyd-Edwards.

 Our house did little more

 Than scratch the landscape,

 Stones clawed from hard soil

 Piled one on another,

 Rough timber frames

 Around doors and windows,

 The hard, grey slates

 Weighing down.

 At night when we longed to sleep,

 Wind forced its way

 Through cracks,

 So that everything rattled

 And wheezed. The dogs

 Hair on end never still

 And the thin cats huddled

 Before a lukewarm hearth.

 When we awoke to rain

 And the complaining

 Of animals, it seemed

 More like a tombstone

 Than a home. A single tree

 Standing on either side

 Like pall bearers

 Waiting to be called.

David Subacchi

 David Subacchi, is a gifted poet from Wales who has just released a new book of poems,
"Where is Wales?" The link below is a FB clip with him narrating a selection. His book info will be sent with contact.

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