Love, Everywhere



Love, Everywhere


In youth Love was everywhere

Waiting below the surface

Heard if I stood so quiet

While Humanity clattered.


Love would peek around corners

If I sought diligently

I cared, and believed it mattered

Because Love was a State of Grace.


Chaos proves the bald-faced lie

Life spins apart, parts break off

Love disentangles itself

Refusing to be waylaid.


We cannot tie down Love

Not wrest it from shadows.

No sunrise shines so bright

Nor darkness fall so deep.


For Love is a Moment

And all moments after

Turning life about sharply

Never, ever to look back.


The seed of Love can grow

And in growing, form its world

From the shards of yesterday

From the dust, and the damage


Love will not be bound, yet holds

More firmly than any binding


 Michael Theroux


Michael Theroux writes from Northern California. His deeply published career has spanned botanist, environmental health specialist, green energy developer and resource recovery web site editor. Entering the creative writing field late in life at 72, Michael is now seeking publication of his cache of art writings which include two novels and perhaps 400 poems and short stories. Some of his shorter works may be found in Down in the Dirt, Ariel Chart, 50WS, Academy of the Heart and Mind, CafeLit, Poetry Pacific, Last Leaves, Backwards Trajectory, Small Wonders, The Acedian Review and the Lothlorien Poetry Journal.

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