Jimi's Toast

Jimi's Toast


Sapphire stars of

red diamond glints;

consecrated space

gravely detached.


Flowing long cape

of a crushed velvet

shoes tap in time

dusty dark rooms.

Despised rainbows

search the heavens;

drenched in skittles,

color palette ablaze.

Desperately shattered

feathered and flattered;

needles to the soul;

I serenade the stars.

Purple Haze echoes,

off the moons of Mars;

shred the raucous guitar

toast to the Watchtower.

Ken Allan Dronsfield

Ken Allan Dronsfield is a poet originally from New Hampshire now residing on the southern plains of Oklahoma. He was nominated for The Best of the Net and 2 Pushcart Awards in Poetry for 2016. His poetry has been published world-wide throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. Ken loves walking in the woods at night, and spending time with his cat Willa. Ken's new book, "The Cellaring", a collection of 80 haunted, paranormal, weird and wonderful poems, is available through Amazon.com. He is the Co-Editor and Cover Artist for two poetry anthologies, "Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze" and "Dandelion in a Vase of Roses" available from Amazon.com.







  1. My thanks to Mark Antony Rossi for finding a home for "Jimi's Toast"!

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