


When the digging began, there was great excitement.  All manner of words were uncovered.  Long or short, fancy or simple, all the words collected throughout the different ages of man became changed and in consequence shifted.  Meanings became clearer, then more vague.   Man sifted, sorted, adjusted, and analyzed these artifacts,  put them up against others that could be used for better effect.  Vocal expressions were used for barter and to build industry, more were used in the modern age to fortify citadels, subsequently a distinct lexicon used with technology presented itself.  All the words and phrases utilized in schools, businesses, and churches, glossaries collected throughout eons, wherever men gathered to do the things they did, all were recorded. Yet in the end, these collections of morphemes had changed so much they lost their meaning.  Finally, few were left, only enough to write this eulogy which no new pilgrim can now read.  

 “Here once stood man,

Among rocks and trees,

Which he destroyed

To meet his own ends.

Now his end

Has been met,

There is no more to tear down

To prop him up.

The fragile being,

Who for a flicker of time,

Imagined immortality

Was his for the asking.” 

Linda Imbler

Linda Imbler is the author of the published poetry collections “Big Questions, Little Sleep,”  “Lost and Found,” and “The Sea’s Secret Song.”  

She is a Kansas-based Pushcart Prize Nominee.   Her work has been published in numerous national and international journals.  Linda’s creative process and a listing of publications can be found at

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