Undoing Happy



Undoing Happy


How do you undo happy?
Now that you have gone must I
Settle for a life denied 

How do I keep on living?
When you were my very breath
You taught me that I could fly

When a beat comprises two
How do you take away one?
Tell me how do I survive?

When roses bloom and the stars
Blaze across a cobalt sky
Who will hug me when I cry?

For to mend this broken heart
Cast light upon your shadow
Free the chains of my demise.

Empty my heart of sorrow
Lest regret return him home
Breathe new soul into my life.

Rewind the path I've taken
Heal the wounds and find a way
From his ashes I will rise.

Tissy Taylor


Tissy Taylor Born and raised in Ontario. Communications Manager for automotive industry giant. Penned a weekly column for community newspaper. Writing is my passion - started writing poetry and songs as soon as i could hold a crayon. 






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