empire of grief


the garden mashed with

crystal beads              my sister

shed when she wanted to

cry                   I sip my coffee slow

as a lake of ink where words

dive and dilute in silence


my skin -these cracked eggshell-

voices the morning                we turned into

the thirst of all we

never became together


truth is pain that amuses

the gentleness of this kind-of lonely

Elidio La Torre Lagares

Elidio La Torre Lagares earned his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Texas-El Paso. His work has appeared in Revista Centro Journal (City University of New York), Azahares (University of Arkansas-Fort Smith), Sargasso (University of Puerto Rico), The Acentos Review, Nagari, Malpaís Review, Ariel Chart and The American Poetry Journal. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize, he currently teaches literature and creative writing in the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Puerto Rico. In 2018, he was selected University Press of Kentucky New Voices in Poetry award winner for his book «Wonderful Wasteland

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