Jell-O Empire

Jell-O Empire

Older sister Nancy and I loved Jell-O, its jiggly form, something light and delightful. While Dad drank and Mother disappeared into the world, we built round mountains and constructed fortresses out of Jell-O blocks. We marveled at our ability to create. To induce beauty, as Nancy put it. Sometimes, we just held it, felt its lightness.

Then Dad took off. He didn’t leave a note. Just bills. We donned oversized suits and responsibility, but not before we destroyed our creations. We stabbed each mountain, each block. We wept, wounding Jell-O with forks. No matter how we tried there were always reminders.

Yash Seyedbagheri

Yash Seyedbagheri is a graduate of Colorado State University's MFA program in fiction. His story, "Soon," was nominated for a Pushcart.  Yash’s work is forthcoming or has been published in WestWard Quarterly, Café Lit, 50 Word Stories, (mac)ro (mic), and Ariel Chart.


  1. Poignant and perfect piece of writing. You have a future in the arts.

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