The Thread

The Thread

Because our fear of the pandemic fills

the once small distance between,

we visit in our various screens

and as I watch your only son

of thirty months at play

I see in him his father

when you were

my only son

of thirty months,

and your antics then

raised in me a memory

of myself at thirty months,

each of us in our different times

so alike, and I feel the warp of the thread

that is spun in the blood of birthing and then

so powerfully weaves an enduring family tapestry.

Anthony Wade

Anthony Wade is a graduate lawyer with a Masters Degree, an Irish national educated in England who also worked in The Netherlands. He has published poems in Ariel Chart, Boyne Berries, Scrittura Magazine, MonthsToYears, Lakeview Literary Magazine, Strands Lit Sphere and The Dawntreader. He received a Highly Commended in the Francis Ledwidge Poetry Award 2018.  An active member of the Midleton WritersGroup he now lives by the sea in East Cork.


  1. I realize the pandemic has altered people's lives but i was hoping for less of it in my reading material. Nevertheless, this poem is strong and worthy.

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