

confined within the walls
of a home in lockdown
my son is restless again
his plans for the rugby team dashed
he complains of the unfairness
of this bizarre year -
the year without school
without gym
without sport

I react with impatience
countering his story
with that of the college kid on the news
who has won
a basketball scholarship
whose career is now in the doldrums
how his fate is far more tragic

I later feel crushed -
a failure as a parent
ashamed at invalidating
my young son’s feelings
for laying on thick
my flawed logic
of there’s someone out there
who has it worse

but I have no roadmap for this
my own mind doing cartwheels
the weight of frustration
pressing on my shoulders
and all my experience
of four decades of living
rendering me no better
than the twelve year old
I try to soothe.

 Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad

Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad is a Sydney artist, poet, and pianist, of Indian heritage. She holds a Masters in English, and is a member of the North Shore poetry Project, and Authora Australis. Her recent works have been published in numerous print and online literary journals and anthologies including Ariel Chart, The Ekphrastic Review, The Pangolin Review, and Poetica Review, and are forthcoming in Unlost Journal, Ethel Zine, Otoliths, and elsewhere.


  1. best covid-related work i have read this year. may the poem last long than the virus.

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