The Horses on Spetses

The Horses on Spetses



The horses on Spetses wear leather

blinders painted with Greek symbols

from the ancient golden age. 


All day they clip-clop at a bridled pace. 

Their island carriages cart hungry

travelers to the air-conditioned hotels


and hopeful shops.  Festive beads

and blue and white ribbons adorn

their wilted manes as loud streams


of rental scooters zoom near.

The cocky speedsters coolly swerve

past the chariot-like wheels.


Throughout their years, the horses

trot.  They haul the heft of revelers

craving the best beaches


and Dionysian ecstasy.

The sun-browned drivers wipe

tired sweat from their necks


and let tourist kids ride up front

with them.  The little ones love

the pretty horses and eagerly look


about when they hear jingling

bells and quick-quick hooves

driven at a collared rate.


 Jean Biegun


Jean Biegun, retired from inner city teaching, began writing poetry in 2000 to counter job stress, and it worked.  Poems have appeared in several publications including After Hours, As It Ought to Be Magazine, Mobius: The Poetry Magazine, The Avocet, Blue Heron Review, Mused: BellaOnline Literary Review, Goose River Anthology, Fox Cry Review, Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, World Haiku Review, and forthcoming in Amethyst Review.



  1. such beauty stems from horses and how we treat them says much of a community.

  2. we need more horse poems in my opinion. not even sure if this place has published one before nor not. but the grace and beauty is admirable --for the poem too.

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