Overcoming the Dissonance of Winter's Leaves



Overcoming the Dissonance of Winter’s Leaves


The quarreling song of winter’s

leaves. They ever

sing tunelessly when the bandmaster

turns some red with crimson

blush and some yellow with luminous

inquisition.  The wind’s

loud chanting helps the branches become

relieved of such inharmonious burden.


The sorrow of the fiber,

which has lost its breath,

falling, fallen,

strewn as acoustic panel carpet whispers, 

which lie prone, 

under bark-covered bones.


Their quarrel,

should we stay or should we go,

finally resolved.

The answer now sung out in unison,

with each crunch,

in accordance with what steps on them from above.



Linda Imbler



Linda Imbler’s poetry collections include five published paperbacks: “Big Questions, Little Sleep,” “Big Questions, Little Sleep” second edition (expanded with 66 additional poems), Lost and Found,” “Red Is The Sunrise,”  and “Bus Lights, Travel Sights.”  

Soma Publishing has published her three e-book collections, “The Sea’s Secret Song,”  “Pairings,” a hybrid of short fiction and poetry, and “That Fifth Element.” Her newest e-book. Per Quindecim,  will be published by Soma Publishing in early 2021.  

Examples of Linda’s poetry and a listing of publications can be found at lindaspoetryblog.blogspot.com.  In addition to writing, she helps her husband, a Luthier, build acoustic guitars in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A.


  1. the title alone deserves merit..as strange as this may sound, i prefer poetry in my poetry and this work is full of lyrical communication.

  2. Candice, thank you for your kind comments of about my work. Best wishes, Linda

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