For Linda



For Linda



On a midsummer day such as this,

cypress-scented air unfolding blue

over blue and floating down a tree-

lined street through our doors and

open windows, rooms gilded by

sunlight and calm as a chapel,

I still remember being stunned

to silence by your state of grace,

having long been abandoned

by god and betrayed once again

by body, and easing out of life

in a manner that was no less

luminous than this day, and some

time after, when all hope was

gone and with a heart still in

hiding, I remember finding

refuge in the abandoned stillness

that settles between waves and

the intermittent shimmer of

land-locked light, and then

holding my breath when an

osprey suddenly appeared

and hovered over the harbor,

free of wingbeat, doubling

down on life with its fierce,

head-long descent into surf

and yet never seeing it rise

again from the surface of water.



John Muro


John Muro is a resident of Connecticut and a lover of all things chocolate. In the Lilac Hour, his first volume of poems, was published in 2020 by Antrim House, and it is available on Amazon. John is also a two-time, 2021 Pushcart Prize nominee, and his poetry has been published in numerous journals and anthologies, including Ariel Chart, Barnstorm, Euphony, Grey Sparrow, River Heron and Sky IslandPastoral Suite, his second volume of poems, will be published later this spring.

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