





I still see you hear you

and sense you.

Your spirit lingers,

yet I cannot write your name.

You have become a mere footnote

in my life.


Your history has not disappeared.

Somewhere you are walking

through our past.

But your new road has left

a footprint on my mind.


Where are you now?

Is there a no-through road between us?

Are you in a neglected place,

a vacant lot, a dirty street

a sleazy bar?


Are you chasing a lost cause,

a misplaced ideal, a passing saviour

or a nameless idol? A hoped for horizon

that will never get any nearer?


You are like a stray spirit

that has fallen through time.

So I look back as I look forward.

I can only hope the past

is the future calling.



Alan Ford


 I have been influenced by the output of Neil Astley's Bloodaxe Publishers. Also Carol Ann Duffy, Clive James,Thomas Hardy, Douglas Dunn's early work and other anthology poets. I have written eight fiction books, including the satirical ghost series such as Princess Diana's Ghost on Amazon. Other published works include various articles,short stories in Brilliant Flash Fiction, and Academy of the Heart and Mind magazines, song lyrics and poetry. The lyrics have received placements in Song of the Year and the UK Song Contest.The poems have appeared in Conclave, Down in the Dirt, Blue Lake Review, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Scarlet Leaf Review and Ariel Chart literary magazines.

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