Gentle Breezes

Gentle Breezes


Late afternoon

A gentle breeze

The trees a full rich green

On the cusp of summer


The sky’s a perfect sky-blue

With wisps of clouds

Barely visible


Like cigarette smoke

In a film noir

Slowly drifting across the tapestry


The sun

Just before it sets

Bright, with that extra glow

Of eventide

Showering the tops of the trees

In a halo of shimmering light


A perfect time to be lazy

Reclining in a comfortable chair

Daisy, my dog, watching her world

Then drifting off happily

With drooping eyes to nap


A busy day

Slowly ending

With golden moments

Before ev’ning shadows

Envelop the day

And gentle breezes

Drift into night
Bruce Levine
Bruce Levine, a native Manhattanite, has spent his life as a writer of fiction and poetry and as a music and theatre professional. His literary catalogue includes four novels, short stories, humorous sketches, flash fiction, poetry, essays, magazine articles and a screenplay His works are published in over twenty-five on-line and print journals, over twenty books, his shows have been produced in New York and around the country and he’s the author of the novellas Reinvented and An Accidental Journey. His work is dedicated to the loving memory of his wife, dancer/actress, Lydia Franklin. Visit him at




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