Cover Me

Cover Me

You’re naturally lathered in grey,

continuously battered to powder by the swirling

wind of your breath.

You slay toxins

with the reversed coyness of your smile.

I would rather be slathered in coconut shavings

than be covered by your scorching lies, a feeling

of spit bubbling along my skin.

I don’t want your hands caressing my face any longer.

I don’t want you to cover me

with your love- a grotesquely, withering silver bush.

Meagan Bess


mbthewriter has interests that span from writing poetry, novels, to screenplays. She has gained journalism experience as a staff writer for “Study Breaks Magazine” and “The Carolinian." In 2017, her poem “Your Shadow’s Stuck on 42nd Street” was featured in “The Coraddi” magazine. She hopes you follow her on Instagram @mbthewriter for updates.


  1. The sensory in this poem is vivid. The words here touch on deep rooted emotions. Stirring piece, well penned!

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