Songs From Our Instruments
The old spinet repaired and played.
It produces no scandalous serenade,
nor maddened shriek.
Peaceable canticles,
to match the public tenor
of our actions.
Lovers echoing each other’s laugh,
creating adagios that move with their union,
songs vibrating to those lover’s frequency.
Your mellifluous spells ring in my ears,
as our songs join
to create complete symphonies.
The memories of music keeping people alive.
The power of symbolism,
whether ancient cryptograms
or musical notes-
sing your way through life,
and let your last song
be beautiful and glad.
Linda Imbler
Linda Imbler’s poetry collections include three published works
by Amazon, “Big Questions, Little Sleep,” “Lost and Found,” and “Red Is The Sunrise.”
Soma Publishing has
published her three e-book collections, “The Sea’s Secret Song,” “Pairings,”
a hybrid of short fiction and poetry, and “That Fifth Element.”
She is a Pushcart and
Best of the Net nominee. Examples of Linda’s poetry and a listing of
publications can be found at