The Yoke of Daisy
Big open field of daisies in the
Wind like Bob Dylan's answer.
The delicate, sanctifying breeze rustling their petals,
Whispering secrets
And rumours,
Possible tragedies.
In the heart of a desperate lover,
Pulled in a hundred directions.
Doubt, and hope in the same thought.
Tarot cards, tea leaves, oracles and crystal balls
Unspecific, cliché, unwillingly magical.
But daisies' prophecies never lie
No magic. Yes or no - straightforward
Sometimes painfully
Their petals cry as they are yanked
From their yoke and trembling fingers
Left with the future
In a stem In their hands –
Closure - an answer easier
To accept when it is grown,
In the Earth.
It's yellow - yoke of the sun.
It's simplicity shining
In time
Even the petal
Of the yoke
That said, 'no'
Will compost into the heart of
The earth and will renew
A daisy.
Lorraine Driscoll
Lorraine Driscoll lives in Eastern Ontario with her husband and her 11-year-old daughter. She writes poetry, historical fiction and also maintains a website where she regularly writes about healing children's neurodevelopmental disorders through holistic approaches. Lorraine's articles have appeared in various columns and newspapers in Eastern Ontario. She is actively involved with environmental efforts to protect endangered species, prevent deforestation and reduce environmental toxicity.