Sleepless Hell Streaming


 Sleepless Hell Streaming



Hell is a home rehab show

Populated with fake personalities

So incredibly pleased with their lives

They found time to architecturally

Lecture us.


I’m up and can’t back to sleep

I shout at the guy to get back his balls

From the back of his wife’s pick up truck.


I guzzle a half a bottle of NyQuil

And remind the lady her style strangely

Fits the home decor sponsor of the show.


Hell is a home rehab show

Populated with people who act like family

Who act like your family

Fake and found wanting.



Mark Antony Rossi


Mark Antony Rossi is a poet, playwright and host of the literary podcast Strength To Be Human His recent work can be found at Ariel Chart, Bombfire, Earth & Altar, Indian Periodical and Uncomfortable Revolution.


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