Greeting from Nowhere

Greeting from Nowhere 

Tinted glasses,

Blurry lines,

Your name in a whisper,

Million deaths in a whimper!

Street lights flickering,

The buzz of a bee..

Fireflies burning head to toe,

Like the drunkard biting on the hoe.

Babies cry,

Strangers yearn..

For the love they see,

But cannot swallow.

Is this a Goodbye?

Is this a Hello?

Saheli Ghosh

Saheli Ghosh from Kolkata (India, West Bengal), have completed my Masters in English (2018-18) from the University of Calcutta. I have worked as a Contractual Teacher at B. D. Memorial, Kolkata and as an English Language Teacher at the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy, Kolkata. Currently, I am working as an English Language Teacher at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata. I am also pursuing B. ED. (English Method) from Loreto College, Kolkata. Ariel Chart is her first literary publication.


  1. There's an old fashioned quality to the work. Like new eyes seeing regular things differently.

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